
Non-Fiction Prose – Travelogue

  School Based Experience in SK St. Mary, Sibu It was an exhilarating five days of School Based Experience in SK St. Mary, Sibu. Located right at the center of Sibu town, it houses primary pupils with 27 school staff and 12 classes. The school accommodates a various culture of pupils from different background. Definitely a unique experience, as you get to understand the different practices of each pupil. The school does not skim on cleanliness. A row of sink ready for pupil to wash their hands, to create Covid-19 awareness in school. School staff also very friendly and helpful in helping us to complete our task. With only a single block, it also accommodates a complete facility for teachers and pupils. A memorable experience at SK St. Mary that surely stuck in our memory.

Fiction Prose – Short Story

  “Good Morning, Cikgu Quin” It was 5 a.m. in the morning. Quin is still not used to this early morning start. The drowsy eyes made his bed still comfortable to lay on. But he needs to get up. He is no longer a student. Now the students need him. Cold shower, buttoning the t-shirt still feel the same. It just more responsibility that he carries. Driving to school takes him 30 minutes to arrive, depend on the traffic congestion. He drives in to the SK St. Mary’s gate, where he is going to complete his last School Based Experience (SBE). Why is it so hard, to greet pupils the way he did? He did not think so much but then treat his pupils good.             What makes it feel even awkward is that this is his first time conducting SBE with all pupils in the school physically. Luck hasn’t been on his side for the past two SBE, where he completed both of it without pupils in the school due to the rise of pandemic and the online classes. It was a shame that both SBE has to be online, that